Observation Lodge and Remote Controlled Camera
Image facility
800 metres away from AWOC the remote controlled, all weather camera, positioned
50 metres above see level, records life around Lake Akkeshi and the Bekanbeushi
river. With this camera, one may watch Japanese Crane(Grus japonensis)
taking care of their eggs and young chicks as well as the different behaviour
of Gray Heron(Ardea cinerea), ducks, Whooper Swan(Cygnus cygnus),
White-tailed Sea Eagle(Haliaeetus albicilla) and Steller's sea Eagle(H.
The camera turns 270 degrees horizontally, and 90 degrees longitudinally.
It has a zoom lens with a maximum 66 magnifications. The image is sent to
WOC through optical fiber cables which reproduce the picture on an 86 inch
NEW PICTURES (I'm sorry. This corner is only Japanese now.)
PICTURES IN APRIL (I'm sorry. This corner is only Japanese now.)
PICTURES IN MARCH (I'm sorry. This corner is only Japanese now.)
PICTURES (I'm sorry. This corner is only Japanese now.)